#include <configuration.h>
Configuration Encapsulates configuration data.
This class provides a unified access to different configuration file formats, as well as several convenience utilities, such as replacing string placeholders, adjusting file paths, etc.
This utitility class is intended for *"typical"*, human-friendly configuration scenarios and, similar to TOML, supports the following parameter types:
- Basic scalars:
, andstd::string
. - Local date, local time, and date-time (date + time + time zone offset) types.
- Aggregate types, i.e. lists and groups of parameters.
The following configuration formats are supported:
For usage convenience, this class support conversion from the TOML-compatible parameter types to:
matrices (1- and 2-dimensional) can be loaded from (nested) numeric lists.- Basic geometry types defined within
#include <werkzeugkiste/config/configuration.h> namespace wkc = werkzeugkiste::config; using namespace std::string_view_literals; // Load a configuration from a file (format will be deduced from the // file extension)... wkc::Configuration cfg = wkc::LoadFile("path/to/config.toml"); // ... or a string: wkc::Configuration cfg = wkc::LoadTOMLString("value = 42.17"sv); wkc::Configuration cfg = wkc::LoadJSONString("{ 'value': 42.17 }"sv); // TODO Extend example
Public static functions
- static auto LoadTOMLString(std::string_view toml_string) -> Configuration
- Loads a TOML configuration from a string.
- static auto LoadTOMLFile(std::string_view filename) -> Configuration
- Loads a TOML configuration from the given file.
- static auto KeyForListElement(std::string_view key, std::size_t index) -> std::string
- Returns the Fully qualified parameter name for the given parameter name and element index.
- static void HandleNullValue(Configuration& cfg, std::string_view key, NullValuePolicy policy, bool append)
- Applies the selected
to the given parameter.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- Configuration()
- Constructs an empty configuration.
- ~Configuration()
- Destructor.
- Configuration(const Configuration& other)
- Copy constructor - creates a deep copy.
- Configuration(Configuration&& other) noexcept
- Move constructor.
Public functions
- auto operator=(const Configuration& other) -> Configuration&
- Copy assignment - creates a deep copy.
- auto operator=(Configuration&& other) -> Configuration& noexcept
- Move assignment.
- auto Empty() const -> bool
- Returns true if this configuration has no parameters set.
- auto Equals(const Configuration& other) const -> bool
- Returns true if all configuration keys and values match exactly.
- auto operator==(const Configuration& other) const -> bool
- Returns true if all configuration keys and values match exactly.
- auto operator!=(const Configuration& other) const -> bool
- Returns true if any configuration key or value differs.
- auto Contains(std::string_view key) const -> bool
- Checks if the given key exists in this configuration.
- auto Size(std::string_view key) const -> std::size_t
- Returns the length of the parameter list/group named
. - auto Size() const -> std::size_t
- Returns the number of parameters (key-value pairs) in this configuration.
- auto Type(std::string_view key) const -> ConfigType
- Returns the type of the parameter at the given key.
- void Delete(std::string_view key)
- Deletes the parameter with the given key.
- auto IsHomogeneousScalarList(std::string_view key) const -> bool
- Checks if a list parameter contains only scalars of the same type.
- auto ListParameterNames(std::string_view key, bool include_array_entries, bool recursive) const -> std::vector<std::string>
- Returns a list of (Fully qualified) parameter names below the given key.
- auto ListParameterNames(bool include_array_entries, bool recursive) const -> std::vector<std::string>
- Returns a list of (Fully qualified) parameter names below the configuration root.
- auto EnsureTypeIfExists(std::string_view key, ConfigType expected) const -> bool
- Raises a
if the parameter exists, but is of a different type.
@desc Getter/Setter for boolean parameters.
- auto GetBool(std::string_view key) const -> bool
- Returns the boolean parameter.
- auto GetBoolOr(std::string_view key, bool default_val) const -> bool
- Returns the boolean parameter or the
if it does not exist. - auto GetOptionalBool(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<bool>
- Returns an optional boolean or
if it does not exist. - void SetBool(std::string_view key, bool value)
- Sets a boolean parameter.
- auto GetBoolList(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<bool>
- Returns a list of boolean flags.
- void SetBoolList(std::string_view key, const std::vector<bool>& values)
- Sets or replaces a list of boolean flags.
@desc Getter/Setter for 32- and 64-bit integer parameters.
- auto GetInt32(std::string_view key) const -> int32_t
- Returns the 32-bit integer parameter.
- auto GetInt32Or(std::string_view key, int32_t default_val) const -> int32_t
- Returns the 32-bit integer parameter or the default value.
- auto GetOptionalInt32(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<int32_t>
- Returns the 32-bit integer parameter or
if it does not exist. - void SetInt32(std::string_view key, int32_t value)
- Sets a 32-bit signed integer parameter.
- auto GetInt32List(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<int32_t>
- Returns a list of 32-bit integers.
- void SetInt32List(std::string_view key, const std::vector<int32_t>& values)
- Sets or replaces a list of 32-bit integers.
- auto GetInt64(std::string_view key) const -> int64_t
- Returns the 64-bit integer parameter.
- auto GetInt64Or(std::string_view key, int64_t default_val) const -> int64_t
- Returns the 64-bit integer parameter or the default value.
- auto GetOptionalInt64(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<int64_t>
- Returns the 64-bit integer parameter or
if it does not exist. - void SetInt64(std::string_view key, int64_t value)
- Sets a 64-bit signed integer parameter.
- auto GetInt64List(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<int64_t>
- Returns a list of 64-bit integers.
- void SetInt64List(std::string_view key, const std::vector<int64_t>& values)
- Sets or replaces a list of 64-bit integers.
- auto GetInt64Point2D(std::string_view key) const -> point2d<int64_t>
- Returns a 2D point with integer coordinates.
- auto GetInt64Point3D(std::string_view key) const -> point3d<int64_t>
- Returns a 3D point with integer coordinates.
- auto GetInt64Points2D(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<point2d<int64_t>>
- Returns a list of 2D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
- auto GetInt64Points3D(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<point3d<int64_t>>
- Returns a list of 3D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
Floating point
@desc Getter/Setter for double-precision floating point parameters.
- auto GetDouble(std::string_view key) const -> double
- Returns the double-precision floating point parameter.
- auto GetDoubleOr(std::string_view key, double default_val) const -> double
- Returns the double-precision floating point parameter or the default value.
- auto GetOptionalDouble(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<double>
- Returns the double-precision floating point parameter or
if it does not exist. - void SetDouble(std::string_view key, double value)
- Sets a double-precision floating point parameter.
- auto GetDoubleList(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<double>
- Returns a list of double-precision floating point values.
- void SetDoubleList(std::string_view key, const std::vector<double>& values)
- Sets or replaces a list of double-precision floating point values.
- auto GetDoublePoint2D(std::string_view key) const -> point2d<double>
- Returns a 2D point with floating point coordinates.
- auto GetDoublePoint3D(std::string_view key) const -> point3d<double>
- Returns a 3D point with floating point coordinates.
- auto GetDoublePoints2D(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<point2d<double>>
- Returns a list of 2D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
- auto GetDoublePoints3D(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<point3d<double>>
- Returns a list of 3D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
@desc Getter/Setter for string parameters.
- auto GetString(std::string_view key) const -> std::string
- Returns the string parameter.
- auto GetStringOr(std::string_view key, std::string_view default_val) const -> std::string
- Returns the string parameter or the
if it does not exist. - auto GetOptionalString(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<std::string>
- Returns an optional string or
if it does not exist. - void SetString(std::string_view key, std::string_view value)
- Sets a string parameter.
- auto GetStringList(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<std::string>
- Returns a list of strings.
- void SetStringList(std::string_view key, const std::vector<std::string_view>& values)
- Creates or replaces a parameter holding a list of strings.
@desc Getter/Setter for werkzeugkiste::
- auto GetDate(std::string_view key) const -> date
- Returns the date parameter.
- auto GetDateOr(std::string_view key, const date& default_val) const -> date
- Returns the date parameter or the
if it does not exist. - auto GetOptionalDate(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<date>
- Returns an optional date or
if it does not exist. - void SetDate(std::string_view key, const date& value)
- Sets a local date parameter.
- auto GetDateList(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<date>
- Returns a list of date parameters.
- void SetDateList(std::string_view key, const std::vector<date>& values)
- Sets or replaces a list of date parameters.
@desc Getter/Setter for werkzeugkiste::
- auto GetTime(std::string_view key) const -> time
- Returns the time parameter.
- auto GetTimeOr(std::string_view key, const time& default_val) const -> time
- Returns the time parameter or the
if it does not exist. - auto GetOptionalTime(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<time>
- Returns an optional time or
if it does not exist. - void SetTime(std::string_view key, const time& value)
- Sets a local time parameter.
- auto GetTimeList(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<time>
- Returns a list of time parameters.
- void SetTimeList(std::string_view key, const std::vector<time>& values)
- Sets or replaces a list of time parameters.
@desc Getter/Setter for werkzeugkiste::
auto GetDateTime(std::string_view key) const -> date_
time - Returns the date-time parameter with optional timezone offset.
auto GetDateTimeOr(std::string_view key,
const date_
time& default_val) const -> date_ time - Returns the date-time parameter or the
if it does not exist. -
auto GetOptionalDateTime(std::string_view key) const -> std::optional<date_
time> - Returns an optional date_
time or std::nullopt
if it does not exist. -
void SetDateTime(std::string_view key,
const date_
time& value) - Sets a date-time parameter.
auto GetDateTimeList(std::string_view key) const -> std::vector<date_
time> - Returns a list of date-time parameters.
void SetDateTimeList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<date_
time>& values) - Sets or replaces a list of date-time parameters.
@desc These methods allow working with mixed type lists.
- void CreateList(std::string_view key)
- Creates an empty list with the given name.
- void ClearList(std::string_view key)
- Clears an existing list.
- void AppendList(std::string_view key)
- Appends an empty list to an existing list in order to supported creating nested lists programmatically.
- void Append(std::string_view key, bool value)
- Appends a boolean flag to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, int32_t value)
- Appends a 32-bit integer to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, int64_t value)
- Appends a 64-bit integer to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, double value)
- Appends a floating point value to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, std::string_view value)
- Appends a string to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, const date& value)
- Appends a date to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, const time& value)
- Appends a local time to an existing list.
void Append(std::string_view key,
const date_
time& value) - Appends a date-time to an existing list.
- void Append(std::string_view key, const Configuration& group)
- Appends a group/sub-configuration to an existing list.
@desc Getter/Setter for groups.
- auto GetGroup(std::string_view key) const -> Configuration
- Returns a copy of the sub-group.
- void SetGroup(std::string_view key, const Configuration& group)
- Inserts (or replaces) the given configuration group.
@desc Conversion between Eigen::Matrix
and (nested) lists.
- auto GetMatrixUInt8(std::string_view key) const -> Matrix<uint8_t>
- Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
- auto GetMatrixInt32(std::string_view key) const -> Matrix<int32_t>
- Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
- auto GetMatrixInt64(std::string_view key) const -> Matrix<int64_t>
- Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
- auto GetMatrixFloat(std::string_view key) const -> Matrix<float>
- Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
- auto GetMatrixDouble(std::string_view key) const -> Matrix<double>
- Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
template<typename Derived, typename TpMat = typename Derived::Scalar>void SetMatrix(std::string_view key, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& mat)
- Stores a matrix as list.
Generic Setters
@desc Creates or replaces a parameter value.
- void Set(std::string_view key, bool value)
- void Set(std::string_view key, int32_t value)
- void Set(std::string_view key, int64_t value)
- void Set(std::string_view key, double value)
- void Set(std::string_view key, std::string_view value)
- void Set(std::string_view key, const date& value)
- void Set(std::string_view key, const time& value)
void Set(std::string_view key,
const date_
time& value) - void Set(std::string_view key, const Configuration& group)
- auto AdjustRelativePaths(std::string_view key, std::string_view base_path, const std::vector<std::string_view>& parameters) -> bool
- Adjusts the given parameters below the
group to hold either an absolute file path, or the result of "base_path / <param>" if they initially held a relative file path. - auto AdjustRelativePaths(std::string_view base_path, const std::vector<std::string_view>& parameters) -> bool
- Adjusts the given parameters below the configuration root to hold either an absolute file path, or the result of "base_path / <param>" if they initially held a relative file path.
- auto ReplaceStringPlaceholders(std::string_view key, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>>& replacements) -> bool
- Visits all string parameters below the given
group and replaces any occurrence of the given needle/replacement pairs. - auto ReplaceStringPlaceholders(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>>& replacements) -> bool
- Visits all string parameters below the root configuration and replaces any occurrence of the given needle/replacement pairs.
- void LoadNestedConfiguration(std::string_view key)
- Loads a nested configuration.
@desc Represent this configuration as a string in a specific format.
- auto ToTOML() const -> std::string
- Returns a TOML-formatted string of this configuration.
- auto ToJSON() const -> std::string
- Returns a JSON-formatted string of this configuration.
- auto ToYAML() const -> std::string
- Returns a YAML-formatted string of this configuration.
- auto ToLibconfig() const -> std::string
- Returns a libconfig-formatted string of this configuration.
Function documentation
static Configuration werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: LoadTOMLString(std::string_view toml_string)
Loads a TOML configuration from a string.
Parameters | |
toml_string | String representation of the TOML config. |
static Configuration werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: LoadTOMLFile(std::string_view filename)
Loads a TOML configuration from the given file.
Parameters | |
filename | Path to the .toml file. |
static std::string werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: KeyForListElement(std::string_view key,
std::size_t index)
Returns the Fully qualified parameter name for the given parameter name and element index.
Parameters | |
key | The parameter name of the list. |
index | The 0-based index of the list element. |
Returns | The Fully qualified name, i.e. key[index] . |
static void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: HandleNullValue(Configuration& cfg,
std::string_view key,
NullValuePolicy policy,
bool append)
Applies the selected NullValuePolicy
to the given parameter.
Parameters | |
cfg | Configuration to be modified. |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
policy | The selected NullValuePolicy. |
append | If true, key is assumed to be a list and the replacement value (depending on the policy ) will be Append ed, otherwise, it will be Set . |
This method is intended for parsers and should be called if the parsed key
parameter was a null/none value.
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Contains(std::string_view key) const
Checks if the given key exists in this configuration.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified identifier of the parameter. |
std::size_t werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Size(std::string_view key) const
Returns the length of the parameter list/group named key
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified identifier of the parameter. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is not a list or a group.
ConfigType werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Type(std::string_view key) const
Returns the type of the parameter at the given key.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified identifier of the parameter. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Delete(std::string_view key)
Deletes the parameter with the given key.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Can be used to delete a scalar, list or (sub-)group of the configuration. Cannot be used to delete a specific element of a list (arr[0]
). For the latter, you need to delete (then recreate) the whole list.
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist or refers to an element of a list.
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: IsHomogeneousScalarList(std::string_view key) const
Checks if a list parameter contains only scalars of the same type.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
Returns | True if the list is empty or contains only scalars of the same type. False otherwise. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is not a list.
std::vector<std::string> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: ListParameterNames(std::string_view key,
bool include_array_entries,
bool recursive) const
Returns a list of (Fully qualified) parameter names below the given key.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
include_array_entries | If true, the name of each parameter will be returned, i.e. each array element will be included. Otherwise, only named parameters (e.g. a dictionary/table within an array, such as arr[3].name ) will be included. |
recursive | If true, the names of all parameters "below" this configuration/group will be returned. Otherwise, only the first-level child parameters will be returned. |
std::vector<std::string> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: ListParameterNames(bool include_array_entries,
bool recursive) const
Returns a list of (Fully qualified) parameter names below the configuration root.
Parameters | |
include_array_entries | If true, the name of each parameter will be returned, i.e. each array element will be included. Otherwise, only named parameters (e.g. a dictionary/table within an array, such as arr[3].name ) will be included. |
recursive | If true, the names of all parameters "below" this configuration/group will be returned. Otherwise, only the first-level child parameters will be returned. |
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: EnsureTypeIfExists(std::string_view key,
ConfigType expected) const
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists, but is of a different type.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
expected | The expected type of the parameter. |
Returns | True if the parameter exists, false otherwise. |
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetBoolOr(std::string_view key,
bool default_val) const
Returns the boolean parameter or the default_val
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to return if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
std::optional<bool> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalBool(std::string_view key) const
Returns an optional boolean or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetBool(std::string_view key,
bool value)
Sets a boolean parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<bool> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetBoolList(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of boolean flags.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetBoolList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<bool>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of boolean flags.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of flags. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
int32_t werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt32(std::string_view key) const
Returns the 32-bit integer parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. double(2.0) can be exactly represented by a 32-bit integer, whereas double(1.5) cannot).
int32_t werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt32Or(std::string_view key,
int32_t default_val) const
Returns the 32-bit integer parameter or the default value.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to be returned if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. double(2.0) can be exactly represented by a 32-bit integer, whereas double(1.5) cannot).
std::optional<int32_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalInt32(std::string_view key) const
Returns the 32-bit integer parameter or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. double(2.0) can be exactly represented by a 32-bit integer, whereas double(1.5) cannot).
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetInt32(std::string_view key,
int32_t value)
Sets a 32-bit signed integer parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type, unless the value is exactly representable by the existing type. For example, an integer value can usually be exactly represented as a floating point number, thus SetInt32("my-float"sv, 2)
will not raise an exception. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<int32_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt32List(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of 32-bit integers.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast. For example, a list like [0.0, -2.0, 100.0, 12345.0] can be exactly represented by a list of 32-bit integer, whereas [0.0, 1.5] cannot.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetInt32List(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<int32_t>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of 32-bit integers.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of flags. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type. If the parameter is a mixed numeric list, however, the values will be cast to the corresponding data type. For example, replacing an existing [int, double, int]
list by [1, 2, 3, 4]
results in a parameter list [int(1), double(2.0), int(3), int(4)]
int64_t werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64(std::string_view key) const
Returns the 64-bit integer parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. double(2.0) can be exactly represented by a 64-bit integer, whereas double(1.5) cannot).
int64_t werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64Or(std::string_view key,
int64_t default_val) const
Returns the 64-bit integer parameter or the default value.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to be returned if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. double(2.0) can be exactly represented by a 64-bit integer, whereas double(1.5) cannot).
std::optional<int64_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalInt64(std::string_view key) const
Returns the 64-bit integer parameter or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast. For example, double(2.0) can be exactly represented by a 64-bit integer, whereas double(1.5) cannot.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetInt64(std::string_view key,
int64_t value)
Sets a 64-bit signed integer parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type, unless the value is exactly representable by the existing type. For example, an integer value can usually be exactly represented as a floating point number, thus SetInt64("my-float"sv, 2)
will not raise an exception. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<int64_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64List(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of 64-bit integers.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast. For example, a list like [0.0, -2.0, 100.0, 12345.0] can be exactly represented by a list of 64-bit integer, whereas [0.0, 1.5] cannot.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetInt64List(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<int64_t>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of 64-bit integers.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of flags. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type. If the parameter is a mixed numeric list, however, the values will be cast to the corresponding data type. For example, replacing an existing [int, double, int]
list by [1, 2, 3, 4]
results in a parameter list [int(1), double(2.0), int(3), int(4)]
point2d<int64_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64Point2D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a 2D point with integer coordinates.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name |
Interprets a list of numbers as 2D point. If the list contains more than two elements, only the first two entries are loaded as x and y coordinate, respectively. Similarly, a group which holds (at least) x
and y
parameters can also be loaded as a 2D point.
const wkc::Configuration cfg = wkc::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( lst-2d = [1, 2] lst-nd = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] grp-2d = { x = 1, y = 2 } )toml"); // Load 2-element list as 2D point: const auto pt1 = cfg.GetInt64Point2D("lst-2d"); // Load 2D point from the first 2 elements of a 5-element list: const auto pt2 = cfg.GetInt64Point2D("lst-nd"); // Load 2D point from a group containing x and y parameters: const auto pt3 = cfg.GetInt64Point2D("grp-2d");
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter cannot be converted to a 2D point.
point3d<int64_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64Point3D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a 3D point with integer coordinates.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name |
Interprets a list of numbers as 3D point. If the list contains more than three elements, only the first three entries are loaded as x, y and z coordinate, respectively. Similarly, a group which holds (at least) x
, y
and z
parameters can also be loaded as a 3D point.
const wkc::Configuration cfg = wkc::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( lst-3d = [1, 2, 3] lst-nd = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] grp-3d = { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 } )toml"); // Load 3-element list as 3D point: const auto pt1 = cfg.GetInt64Point3D("lst-3d"); // Load 3D point from the first 3 elements of a 5-element list: const auto pt2 = cfg.GetInt64Point3D("lst-nd"); // Load 3D point from a group containing x, y and z parameters: const auto pt3 = cfg.GetInt64Point3D("grp-3d");
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter cannot be converted to a 2D point.
std::vector<point2d<int64_t>> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64Points2D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of 2D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Supports loading nested lists and lists of {x, y} tables as a list of 2D points. Each point in the configuration must have at least 2 dimensions, but may also have more (i.e. only loading the x/y components of 3D points is allowed).
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if any coordinate is defined as a different type, unless it can be safely cast.
std::vector<point3d<int64_t>> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetInt64Points3D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of 3D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Supports loading nested lists and lists of {x, y} tables as a list of 3D points. Each point in the configuration must have at least 3 dimensions, but may also have more (i.e. only loading the first 3 components of n-dim points is allowed).
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if any coordinate is defined as a different type, unless it can be safely cast.
double werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDouble(std::string_view key) const
Returns the double-precision floating point parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. integer values can usually be exactly represented by a double).
double werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDoubleOr(std::string_view key,
double default_val) const
Returns the double-precision floating point parameter or the default value.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to be returned if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. integer values can usually be exactly represented by a double).
std::optional<double> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalDouble(std::string_view key) const
Returns the double-precision floating point parameter or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast. For example, integer values can usually be exactly represented by a double.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetDouble(std::string_view key,
double value)
Sets a double-precision floating point parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type, unless the value is exactly representable by the existing type. For example, SetDouble("my-integer"sv, 12.0)
will not raise an exception. However, the parameter type of my-integer
would still be integer
. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<double> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDoubleList(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of double-precision floating point values.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type, unless it can be safely cast (e.g. integer values can usually be exactly represented by a double).
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetDoubleList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<double>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of double-precision floating point values.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of flags. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type. If the parameter is a mixed numeric list, however, this call can succeed if all values can be exactly represented by the corresponding data type. For example, replacing an existing [int, double, int]
list by [1.0, 2.3, 3e3, 4.5]
results in a parameter list [int(1), double(2.3), int(3000), double(4.5)]
point2d<double> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDoublePoint2D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a 2D point with floating point coordinates.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name |
Interprets a list of numbers as 2D point. If the list contains more than two elements, only the first two entries are loaded as x and y coordinate, respectively. Similarly, a group which holds (at least) x
and y
parameters can also be loaded as a 2D point.
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter cannot be converted to a 2D point.
point3d<double> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDoublePoint3D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a 3D point with floating point coordinates.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name |
Interprets a list of numbers as 3D point. If the list contains more than three elements, only the first three entries are loaded as x, y and z coordinate, respectively. Similarly, a group which holds (at least) x
, y
and z
parameters can also be loaded as a 3D point.
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter cannot be converted to a 2D point.
std::vector<point2d<double>> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDoublePoints2D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of 2D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Supports loading nested lists and lists of {x, y} tables as a list of 2D points. Each point in the configuration must have at least 2 dimensions, but may also have more (i.e. only loading the x/y components of 3D points is allowed).
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if any coordinate is defined as a different type, unless it can be safely cast.
std::vector<point3d<double>> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDoublePoints3D(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of 3D points (e.g. a polyline or polygon).
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Supports loading nested lists and lists of {x, y} tables as a list of 3D points. Each point in the configuration must have at least 3 dimensions, but may also have more (i.e. only loading the x/y/z components of n-dim points is allowed).
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if any coordinate is defined as a different type, unless it can be safely cast.
std::string werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetStringOr(std::string_view key,
std::string_view default_val) const
Returns the string parameter or the default_val
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to return if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
std::optional<std::string> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalString(std::string_view key) const
Returns an optional string or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetString(std::string_view key,
std::string_view value)
Sets a string parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<std::string> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetStringList(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of strings.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetStringList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& values)
Creates or replaces a parameter holding a list of strings.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of strings to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type, i.e. this method can not be used to change the type of an existing parameter.
date werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDateOr(std::string_view key,
const date& default_val) const
Returns the date parameter or the default_val
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to return if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
std::optional<date> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalDate(std::string_view key) const
Returns an optional date or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetDate(std::string_view key,
const date& value)
Sets a local date parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<date> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDateList(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of date parameters.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetDateList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<date>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of date parameters.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of dates. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
time werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetTimeOr(std::string_view key,
const time& default_val) const
Returns the time parameter or the default_val
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to return if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
std::optional<time> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalTime(std::string_view key) const
Returns an optional time or std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetTime(std::string_view key,
const time& value)
Sets a local time parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<time> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetTimeList(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of time parameters.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetTimeList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<time>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of time parameters.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of times. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
date_ time werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDateTime(std::string_view key) const
Returns the date-time parameter with optional timezone offset.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type.
date_ time werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDateTimeOr(std::string_view key,
const date_ time& default_val) const
Returns the date-time parameter or the default_val
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
default_val | Value to return if the parameter does not exist. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
std::optional<date_ time> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetOptionalDateTime(std::string_view key) const
Returns an optional date_std::nullopt
if it does not exist.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetDateTime(std::string_view key,
const date_ time& value)
Sets a date-time parameter.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
value | The value to be set. |
A date-time consists of a date, a time and an optional timezone offset, following RFC 3339, https:/
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists and is of a different type. Raises a std::logic_error
if setting the value in the underlying TOML library failed for unforeseen/not handled reasons.
std::vector<date_ time> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetDateTimeList(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list of date-time parameters.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetDateTimeList(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<date_ time>& values)
Sets or replaces a list of date-time parameters.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
values | List of date-times. |
Raises a TypeError
if the parameter exists but is of a different type.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: CreateList(std::string_view key)
Creates an empty list with the given name.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
After successful creation, any values can be Append
Raises a KeyError
if the key already exists or if a "parent" could not be created.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: AppendList(std::string_view key)
Appends an empty list to an existing list in order to supported creating nested lists programmatically.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
bool value)
Appends a boolean flag to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
int32_t value)
Appends a 32-bit integer to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
int64_t value)
Appends a 64-bit integer to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
double value)
Appends a floating point value to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
std::string_view value)
Appends a string to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
const date& value)
Appends a date to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
const time& value)
Appends a local time to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
const date_ time& value)
Appends a date-time to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
value | Value to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: Append(std::string_view key,
const Configuration& group)
Appends a group/sub-configuration to an existing list.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the existing list parameter. |
group | Group/"Sub-Configuration" to be appended. |
Raises a KeyError
if the key does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the key exists, but is not a list.
Configuration werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetGroup(std::string_view key) const
Returns a copy of the sub-group.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter (which must be a group, e.g. a JSON dictionary, a TOML table, or a libconfig group). |
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetGroup(std::string_view key,
const Configuration& group)
Inserts (or replaces) the given configuration group.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. If it exists, it must already be a group. The empty string is not allowed. To replace the "root", create a new Configuration instance instead or use the overloaded assignment operators. |
group | The group to be inserted. |
If the key
already exists, it must be a group. Otherwise, the parameter will be newly created, along with all "parents" in the Fully qualified name (which defines a "path" through the configuration table/tree).
Matrix<uint8_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetMatrixUInt8(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
Returns | Matrix of uint8_t values in row-major order. |
auto config = werkzeugkiste::config::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( mat = [ [0, 127], [10, 100], [32, 64]] lst = [1, 2, 3] )toml"); // A nested list can be loaded as a matrix. auto mat = config.GetMatrixUInt8("mat"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 2); // A single list will always be loaded as a row vector. auto mat = config.GetMatrixUInt8("lst"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 1);
Matrix<int32_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetMatrixInt32(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
Returns | Matrix of int32_t values in row-major order. |
auto config = werkzeugkiste::config::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( mat = [ [0, 127], [10, 100], [32, 64]] lst = [1, 2, 3] )toml"); // A nested list can be loaded as a matrix. auto mat = config.GetMatrixInt32("mat"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 2); // A single list will always be loaded as a row vector. auto mat = config.GetMatrixInt32("lst"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 1);
Matrix<int64_t> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetMatrixInt64(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
Returns | Matrix of int64_t values in row-major order. |
auto config = werkzeugkiste::config::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( mat = [ [0, 127], [10, 100], [32, 64]] lst = [1, 2, 3] )toml"); // A nested list can be loaded as a matrix. auto mat = config.GetMatrixInt64("mat"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 2); // A single list will always be loaded as a row vector. auto mat = config.GetMatrixInt64("lst"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 1);
Matrix<float> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetMatrixFloat(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
Returns | Matrix of float values in row-major order. |
auto config = werkzeugkiste::config::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( mat = [ [0, 127], [10, 100], [32, 64]] lst = [1, 2, 3] )toml"); // A nested list can be loaded as a matrix. auto mat = config.GetMatrixFloat("mat"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 2); // A single list will always be loaded as a row vector. auto mat = config.GetMatrixFloat("lst"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 1);
Matrix<double> werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: GetMatrixDouble(std::string_view key) const
Returns a list/nested list as a 2D matrix.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified name of the parameter. |
Returns | Matrix of double values in row-major order. |
auto config = werkzeugkiste::config::LoadTOMLString(R"toml( mat = [ [0, 127], [10, 100], [32, 64]] lst = [1, 2, 3] )toml"); // A nested list can be loaded as a matrix. auto mat = config.GetMatrixDouble("mat"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 2); // A single list will always be loaded as a row vector. auto mat = config.GetMatrixDouble("lst"sv); assert(mat.rows() == 3); assert(mat.cols() == 1);
template<typename Derived, typename TpMat = typename Derived::Scalar>
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: SetMatrix(std::string_view key,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& mat)
Stores a matrix as list.
Template parameters | |
Derived | Eigen matrix type. |
TpMat | The corresponding scalar type. |
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
mat | The Eigen::Matrix or Eigen::Vector . |
Matrices will be stored as lists of either 64-bit integers or double precision floating point numbers, depending on the Scalar
type of the matrix. Nx1 or 1xN matrices (i.e. column or row vectors) will be stored as a single list. RxC matrices will be stored as nested lists.
Any dense matrix type is supported. To extend this functionality for other types, refer to: https:/
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: AdjustRelativePaths(std::string_view key,
std::string_view base_path,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& parameters)
Adjusts the given parameters below the key
group to hold either an absolute file path, or the result of "base_path / <param>" if they initially held a relative file path.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
base_path | Base path to be prepended to relative file paths. |
parameters | A list of parameter names / patterns. The wildcard '*' is also supported. For example, valid names are: "my-param", "files.video1", etc. Valid patterns would be "*path", "some.nested.*.filename", etc. Parameters that match the pattern, but are not strings will be skipped. |
Returns | True if any parameter has been adjusted. |
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: AdjustRelativePaths(std::string_view base_path,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& parameters)
Adjusts the given parameters below the configuration root to hold either an absolute file path, or the result of "base_path / <param>" if they initially held a relative file path.
Parameters | |
base_path | Base path to be prepended to relative file paths. |
parameters | A list of parameter names / patterns. The wildcard '*' is also supported. For example, valid names are: "my-param", "files.video1", etc. Valid patterns would be "*path", "some.nested.*.filename", etc. Parameters that match the pattern, but are not strings will be skipped. |
Returns | True if any parameter has been adjusted. |
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: ReplaceStringPlaceholders(std::string_view key,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>>& replacements)
Visits all string parameters below the given key
group and replaces any occurrence of the given needle/replacement pairs.
Parameters | |
key | Fully qualified parameter name. |
replacements | List of <search, replacement> pairs. |
Returns | True if any placeholder has actually been replaced. |
bool werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: ReplaceStringPlaceholders(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>>& replacements)
Visits all string parameters below the root configuration and replaces any occurrence of the given needle/replacement pairs.
Parameters | |
replacements | List of <search, replacement> pairs. |
Returns | True if any placeholder has actually been replaced. |
void werkzeugkiste:: config:: Configuration:: LoadNestedConfiguration(std::string_view key)
Loads a nested configuration.
Parameters | |
key | Parameter name (Fully qualified TOML path) which holds the file name of the nested configuration file. The file name must be given as string. |
For example, if your configuration had a field "storage", which should be defined in a separate (e.g. machine-dependent) configuration file, the "main" config could define it as storage = "path/to/conf.toml"
This function will then load this TOML and replace storage
by the loaded configuration. Suppose that conf.toml
defines location = ...
and duration = ...
. Then, after loading, you can access these as "storage.location"
and "storage.duration"
This method deduces the type of the configuration from the file extension, similar to LoadFile
Raises a KeyError
if the parameter does not exist. Raises a TypeError
if the parameter is not a string. Raises a ParseError
if parsing the external configuration failed. Raises a std::runtime_error
if replacing the internal configuration failed for unforeseen reasons.